JavaScript Inheritance and Classes
In many programming languages implemented inheritance. And it also exists in JavaScript. First, consider prototype inheritance.
We describe the function constructor
function Animal(name, weight, color){ = name || 'someAnimal';
this.weight = weight;
this.color = color;
//do some actions during initialization
console.log( + ' construct animal');
// write the method to the prototype
Animal.prototype.sayName = function(){
We describe the constructor function that inherits the Animal class. And we will expand it, we will add in addition own properties and methods
function Mammal(name, weight, color, limbs){
Animal.apply(this, arguments);
this.limbs = limbs || 4;
console.log( + ' construct mammal');
Mammal.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
Mammal.prototype.constructor = Mammal; = function(){
Create instances of these classes.
let bird = new Animal('bird', 1, 'black');
let cat = new Mammal('Murzik', 2, 'white', 3);
Check which class cat object belongs to.
console.log(cat instanceof Mammal);// true
console.log(cat instanceof Animal);// true
Now we will do almost the same, just use the syntax of ES6. And also consider the static methods of the class.
class Animal {
constructor(name = 'someAnimal', weight, color){ = name;
this.weight = weight;
this.color = color;
// do some actions during initialization
console.log( + ' construct animal');
// create the static method
static getEyes(){
return 2;
We describe a class that inherits Animal and add additional properties and methods
class Mammal extends Animal{
constructor(name, weight, color, limbs = 4){
// call the parent constructor
super(name, weight, color);
this.limbs = limbs;
console.log( + ' construct mammal');
Create instances of these classes.
let bird = new Animal('bird', 1, 'black');
let cat = new Mammal('Murzik', 2, 'white', 3);
Check which class cat object belongs to.
console.log(cat instanceof Mammal); //true
console.log(cat instanceof Animal); //true
Call the static getEyes method for the Animal class.
console.log(Animal.getEyes()); //2
As you can see to describe the method does not need to use the word function. And the parent constructor is called by the super keyword. Calling this without calling super() will fail
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